Development Tips: 19 to 24 Months
- Encourage your child to creep backwards down the stairs.
- Hold your child’s hand while coming down the stairs. Encourage climbing stairs while holding the rail.
- Demonstrate to your child jumping off the floor with both feet. Try jumping off a box or bottom step in front of him.
- Practice kicking an unmoving ball.
- Place a line on the floor and practice walking on the line.
- Practice stacking small blocks.
- Utilize toys that have parts that fit together (i.e., pop-beads, peg boards, stacking rings, nesting cups).
- Play “Simon Says” with your child using easily seen motions (i.e., hands over head, clapping, stomping, swing arms).
- Place objects in a shoe box. Then, give a matching object and ask him to find the same object in the box.
- Ask your child to do 2 related instructions (i.e., pick up the block and put it in the cup).
- Place 5 objects in front of the child and ask him to give you “what you name”.
- Encourage your child to use more than 2 words at a time. When he asks for something such as milk, as him if he wants “more milk please”.
- Encourage your child to use “me,” “you,” and “I.”
- Assist your child in pulling pants up or down. Encourage dressing.
- Give your child opportunities to drink from a straw.
- Encourage your child to imitate common household activities.