- Sit behind your child and support him on 2 sides; over a period of weeks gradually decrease the amount of support until he can sit by himself.
- Encourage your child to roll from back to stomach using toys and necessary prompts.
- Demonstrate holding and banging 2 small objects together.
- Encourage your child to manipulate toys at midline by modeling and by presenting them at midline.
- Place edibles in front of your child and encourage her to poke at them and pick them up.
- Introduce items such as whipped cream or pudding on a table top or high chair tray. Allow your child to dip his hands in and make a variety of marks.
- Encourage imitation of gestures waving and hand clapping.
- Hide an object behind yourself or a pillow and encourage your child to move around this barrier to retrieve the object. Allow him to watch you hide the object.
- Sing to your child and encourage him to sing back. Use family names in silly songs. Play “give me” games.
- Make a picture book of family members. Point to the name and talk about these people.
- Allow your child to play with a spoon during meals, then assist him in feeding himself.
- Present finger foods that dissolve easily such as cheerios, small pieces of unsalted cracker and allow your child to finger feed himself.
Dr. Joe Barber
Dr. Joe Barber2013-05-03 22:49:202013-05-03 22:49:20Development Tips: 7 to 9 Months
Development Tips: 3 to 6 Months Development Tips: 10 to 12 Months
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