Entries by Dr. Joe Barber

Gastroenteritis aka Diarrhea

What is diarrhea? Diarrhea means frequent, runny bowel movement. some people call it the “stomache flu”. What causes it? It is most cases diarrhea is mild and clears up in a few days.  Sometimes it can be more serious. Is it serious? In most cases diarrhea is mild and clears up in a few days.  […]

Ear Infections

What is otitis media? It is a disease caused by germs in the middle ear, which is behind the eardrum. How does it happen? There is a tube between the middle ear and the back of the throat called the Eustachian (you-STAY-shun) tube.  During a cold, germs can spread from the back of the throat, […]

Fluid Behind the Eardrum

What is otitis media with effusion? It means fluid in the middle ear. The middle ear is behind the ear drum. What causes it? Fluid in the middle ear may have many causes.  It most often is caused by “germs” in the middle ear.  It can also occur from a cold or allergies. Why do […]

Separation Anxiety

Why does my child cry and become so upset when I leave the room? ·         Most children from age five or six months up to 3 years of age will protest separation from the primary care giver (usually the mother) by crying and/or demonstrating anger and frustration. ·         Even brief separations, like walking into the […]

Thumb Sucking

How can I stop my child from sucking his thumb? Thumb sucking is not uncommon.  Approximately 20% of children by five years of age still suck their thumb.  If thumb sucking is a rare event, it need not be treated.  However if thumb sucking is a regular problem, especially after four years of age, treatment […]

Toilet Training

What is the first step? First decide when you feel your child should be toilet trained There are two general approaches.  The first is to wait for your child to indicate verbally that he wants to stop wearing diapers and wear “big boy pants.”  The second is to watch for indicators of developmental and physical […]


What should I look for in choosing a babysitter? Look for someone who can meet the needs of your children.  The younger the child the more mature and responsible the babysitter needs to be.  Be cautious when brothers and/or sisters can easily manipulate or another; this can lead to trouble. Try to use a consistent […]

Feet and Legs

What is clubfoot? When the foot’s tendons and ligaments are tight and underdeveloped there is a twisting of the entire foot downward and inward.  Repair involves serial casting and sometimes surgery. What is metatarsus adductus (curved foot)? In this problem the foot is curved with the toes curved inward with a kidney bean shape.  This […]


What is a fever? A fever is a raised body temperature. What causes fever? When an infection or inflammation is present in the body, frequently the body will respond with a raised body temperature.  It can also be caused by increased activity, the environment being too warm, or the child is too bundled. How do […]

Insect Bites

What should I do if my child gets bitten by a bee or insect? Most bee or insect stings are not serious and result in only in minor pain and swelling around the bite.  Occasionally a systematic reaction (reaction to the sting elsewhere in the body) can occur and these can be serious.  Signs and […]