Entries by Dr. Joe Barber

Iron Deficiency Anemia

What is it? Iron deficiency anemia means low blood count due to inadequate iron in the body to make red blood cells. Are there any other causes of anemia? Yes, there are many.  Your doctor can discuss these with you. What are the symptoms? There may be no symptoms when your child only has a […]

Lead Poisoning

What is lead poisoning? It is a disease caused by swallowing or inhaling lead. Who is at risk? Your children face the greatest risk.  Children living in older homes that have peeling or chipping paint or whose home is being renovated a much higher risk.  Children living close to industrial areas are also at increased […]

Nursemaid’s Elbow

What is a pulled elbow (nursemaid’s elbow)? This is a problem where the bones at the elbow become misaligned. What causes nursemaid’s elbow? If there is a sudden pulling upon your child’s arm, such as when your child steps down from a curb while holding your hand.  If the child is pulled or swung by […]

Sleep Problems

Is it normal for my child to wake during the night? Most children wake 4-6 times per night and adult 3 or 4 times.  Most of the time we fall back asleep and don’t remember waking.  Children frequently have trouble soothing themselves and returning to sleep. Do most children take time to fall asleep? Yes, […]

Swollen Glands

What causes swollen glands in children? Swollen glands, called lymph nodes, are very common occurrence in children.  Lymph nodes help children fight infection, particularly viral infections in the head or neck areas.  Most swollen glands are found under the jaw or chin and are less than one inch in size, or about the size of […]

Pink Eye

What is conjunctivitis aka Pink Eye? Conjunctivitis occurs when germs infect the outer lining of the eye. It is often called “pink eye.” What are the symptoms? Symptoms include redness, itching, and discharge.  The eyes may look pink or red. Is pinkeye harmful? It is most often harmless but it can cause much discomfort and […]


What is ringworm? Ringworm is a fungal infection of skin (tinea corporis), hair (tinea capitis), or nails (tinea unguium).  It is most common during warm weather months. What does it look like? On the skin it appears as a round or oval red to tan area with raised borders.  It usually is one to two […]


What is impetigo? It is an infection of the skin. What does it look like? It most often looks like golden crusted blisters or weeping sores on the skin. Where does it occur? It occurs mostly around the nose and mouth but can occur on any part of the body. Is it contagious (“catchy”)? It […]

Strep Throat

What is pharyngitis? It is a sore throat caused most often by a virus, but it can be caused by the strep germ which is called “strep throat”. What are the symptoms of strep throat? A strep throat often causes a bad sore throat and fever.  It may also cause headache, stomach ache, pus on […]


Children with enuresis (bedwetting) often have daytime symptoms of urgency, urinary frequency and daytime urine accidents.  Medication is often helpful as are voiding schedules and techniques. Behavioral modification techniques are also helpful. Some children sleep soundly and do not wake when they feel the urge to urinate. For many children genetics and gender play a […]