Well Child Care 2 Months
At this age, your baby needs only breast milk or infant formula to grow healthy and strong. At this age most babies take about 4 to 5 ounces of formula every 3 to 4 hours. Although not mandatory, some mothers who breast feed also give their babies pumped breast milk or commercial formula that is put in a bottle. Avoid giving a supplement if this hinders breast feeding. This can allow your baby to learn another way to drink milk and other people can enjoy feeding your baby. Always hold your baby during feeding time. Then your baby learns that you are there to meet his needs. This is an important and special time. It is not time to start cereal or baby foods yet. Cereal can be started at 4 to 6 months of age. Don’t forget: breast fed babies need a daily Vitamin D supplement such as Tri Vi Sol drops.
Babies start to lift their heads briefly. They reach for things with their hands. They enjoy smiling faces and sometimes smile in return. Cooing sounds are in response to people speaking gentle, soothing words.
Many babies wake up every 3 to 4 hours, while others sleep for longer periods during the night. Every baby is different. Feeding your baby a lot just before bedtime doesn’t have much to do with how long your baby will sleep. This is a good time to move your baby out of your room and put him in his own room if one is available.
When babies spend almost all of their time on their back they sometimes get flattening of one side of their head. This happens when an infant’s head is always turned to the same direction (either the right or left). The weight of the baby’s head will actually flatten one side of the head more than the other and the head will look lopsided. (It is important to understand that this does not affect brain function, only the shape of the head.) To prevent this:
1.) Give your infant plenty of tummy time every day. Remember, that in order to be on his tummy, you baby MUST be with an adult and awake.
2.) Place your child in such a way that he looks to his left some times and to the right other times. For example, this can be accomplished by putting your baby’s head at the opposite end of the crib on alternate days.
Tips to get your baby to sleep through the night:
1.) Place your baby in the crib when he’s drowsy but still awake. Babies who fall asleep more independently often learn to sleep through the night more quickly.
2.) Never put your baby in bed with a bottle.
Reading and Electronic Media
Your baby will enjoy just hearing your voice. You can read aloud your favorite novel while feeding or cuddling with the baby. Never prop your baby in front of a television.
Safety Tips
Never leave your child alone, except in a crib.
Choking and Suffocation
· Use a crib with slats not more than 2 and 3/8 inches apart.
· Place your baby in bed on his back.
· Use a mattress that fits the crib snugly.
· Keep plastic bags, balloons, and baby powder out of reach.
Fires and Burns
· Never eat, drink, or carry anything hot near the baby or while you are holding the baby.
· Turn your water heater down to 120°F (50°C).
· Install smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.
· Keep a fire extinguisher in or near the kitchen.
· Never step away when the baby is on a high place, such as on a changing table.
· Keep the crib sides up.
Car Safety
· Never leave a child alone in a car.
· Use an approved infant car safety seat and follow the instructions for proper use. If you aren’t sure how to install the seat in your car, contact a local fire department.
· Parents should always wear seat belts.
· Babies must ride in the back seat of the car.
· Infants who live in a house where someone smokes have more respiratory infections. Their symptoms are also more severe and last longer than those of children who live in a smoke-free home.
· If you smoke, set a quit date and stop. Set a good example for your child. If you cannot quit, do NOT smoke in the house or near children.
Vaccines are now combined to reduce the total number of shots for your baby.
Babies cannot receive influenza vaccinations (also called flu vaccinations) until 6 months of age. If your baby cannot be protected against the flu, make sure all family members and close contacts get flu vaccinations.
Your baby may run a fever and be irritable for about 1 day after getting shots. Your baby may also have some soreness, redness, and swelling where the shots were given.