Parenting Principles
The first question to ask yourself is whether you have a positive relationship with your child. Are your interactions positive or negative. If you have overall positive interactions then focus on continuing to provide uncritical and non-judgemental support and attention while praising good behaviors. In this way you will continue to foster cooperation and respect. If your interactions are increasingly negative then you must pursue strategies to rebuild a foundation of cooperation. Negative and punitive responses will not succeed.
Cooperation is enhanced through positive interactions with your child. This may occur randomly during day to day activities and also through established routines and expectations. These can be called creative parenting and schedule or event based parenting. Both types of parenting categories require a consistent approach based on clearly identified and communicated rules and expectations. Your child must be made the focus of your attention and you must encourage your child by promoting your expectations. At the same time you must discourage inappropriate behaviors through the imposition of consequences. Behavioral consequences are especially important when safety issues are present. Even when punishment is used positive interactions are the goal.
The guiding principle is for you as parent to have the courage to deal with conflicts between you and your child every time challenging or contrary behaviors happen. You must be ready to seek cooperation by providing the discipline that is required.This is the fundamental principal of parenting.