Entries by Dr. Joe Barber

The Bus Pass

Before cable TV, Wal-Mart, two car families and shopping malls, we had radio, corner stores, buses and department stores. We dreamed about landing on the moon, wore white T-shirts, PF Flyers and cutoffs, collected empty soda pop bottles for ice cream money, helped hang out laundry and rode the bus. I will never forget the […]

The Dream

We all have our own stories about the importance of sleep. The time we stayed up all night or slept through an alarm. I thought with summer here and the days getting longer it is the right time to pause and talk about our great healer, sleep. I will never forget my first emergency code […]

Sun or Rain

How often do you second guess yourself? We live in a society where others constantly question rather than support our actions.  Increasingly, adults and children are being raised on a diet of self-doubt and the wishes and opinions of others.  This environment is risky for both parents and children. Children raised under this shadow of […]

Last Day of School

When was the last time you thought about elementary school and those last few days before the start of summer vacation?  Open classroom windows, sorted textbooks, empty desks and bulletin boards and clean chalkboards signaled what was about to come. Even the noise on the playground seemed louder. Waking on that last day and riding […]

Crib and Playpen Safety

Are there any safety tips to follow when selecting a crib? Choose a crib with corner posts less than 5/8 inches height. This will help prevent choking injuries your child may receive from catching a cord or necklace around the post. Avoid bumper pads if there are any safety concerns When throwing away any plastic […]

Gate and Highchair Safety

Where should gates be used? Gates should be used at the top and bottom of stairwells and at any place you do not want your child to come in contact with a suspected danger. What type of gates should I have? Gates that are V-hatched and collapse together look an accordion should be avoided. They […]

Household Safety

Are there any questions I can ask myself to decide if my home is safe? Yes, think about your home in terms of the danger areas.  Remember, there is no substitute for direct and immediate supervision of your child. What can I do to make my kitchen safe? Do all harmful products in the cabinets […]

Infant Walkers, Swings or Bouncy Seats

Are there any potential dangers in using infant walkers? A potential danger of infant walkers is that developmentally, infants are not able to properly control them.  Infants are unaccustomed to the speed to which they can be propelled. They are also unable to protect themselves if the walker is tipped over. Potential hazards include: Entrapment of […]


What should I do if my child ingests a poison substance? Prevention is the best treatment, but be prepared in case an ingestion occurs.  The best preparation is to have a Poison Control Center telephone number and your doctor’s telephone number written down close to your telephone. Who should I call first in case of […]

TV Toppling Injuries

Between 2000 and 2010 169 children died from injuries sustained from television sets tipping over on them. Front heavy televisions can topple over on children and cause severe injuries. Children frequently are around television sets either reaching for a toy or a remote controller on top of the set or watching the television. They also […]